
HR, Technology & The Ever-Changing Workforce

Today's workforce is composed of five different generations and each generation comes with their own ideas and expectations of how technology can help contribute to their success in the workplace. Due to this ever-changing workforce, Human Resources professionals are always looking for new ideas to help bridge the gap of technical differences between the generations and how to use technology to attract, motivate, and retain employees. Let's take a look at the different generations currently in the workforce: Generation Z: Birth years 1999 and later Generation Y(millennials): Birth years 1978-1989 Generation X: Birth years 1965-1977 Baby boomers: Birth years 1946-1964 Silent generation: Birth years before 1946 We should keep in mind that employees’ comfort with technology and their expectations from it, largely depends on how they were exposed to it during their growing years at a workplace. This means we really shouldn't generalize and assume that because an employee is fr